Trump approval rating has sharpest drop in presidency, big gender gap in Gallup poll

Tribune Content Agency

WASHINGTON — A new Gallup poll released on Thursday shows the biggest drop ever in ratings for President Donald Trump and reflects the consistent gender gap in approval between men and women.

The poll, conducted between April 1 and April 14 with a margin of error of 4%, shows that 43% of people surveyed approve of Trump’s job as president while 54% disapprove.

Gallup’s previous poll found that 49% of respondents approved of Trump’s job performance while 45% disapproved.

“The six-point decline in the president’s approval rating is the sharpest drop Gallup has recorded for the Trump presidency so far, largely because Trump’s ratings have been highly stable,” Justin McCarthy of Gallup wrote.

FiveThirtyEight’s aggregate of polling shows Trump with a 44% approval rating and 52% disapproval rating among likely or registered voters. Trump experienced a spike in approval in late March as the U.S. began to grapple with a sudden increase in confirmed coronavirus cases — but that approval increase has since declined in April, the aggregate of polling shows.

Some pollsters called Trump’s uptick in approval rating a “rally-around-the-flag” event, or when a president receives a surge in support following a national crisis, as reported by NPR. Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, told NPR that Trump’s temporary increase in approval amid the coronavirus pandemic was not as pronounced as it has been for other presidents.

“We’re seeing although his numbers have inched up; it’s still roughly in his zone of support,” Miringoff said in late March. “Look, he’s not getting the rally-around-the-president (effect) that presidents in crisis have gotten.”

The latest Gallup poll also shows that a large percentage of women also disapprove of Trump compared to men. Some 37% of women approve of Trump and 60% disapprove while 49% of men approve and 47% disapprove.

A poll from TheHill/HarrisX showed an 18-point gender gap between men and women on Trump after he was acquitted from his Senate impeachment trial, according to The Hill. Some 58% of men approved and 42% disapproved while 40% of women approved and 60% disapproved.

And in January, a 7 News/Emerson College poll found a 19-point gap between how men and women view Trump — just 38% of women approved of his job as president while 57% of men said the same, according to Bloomberg.

It’s a gender gap that has remained since Trump was first elected into office.

In the 2016 presidential election, women voted for Clinton over Trump 54-42, according to the Pew Research Center, while men supported Trump over Clinton 53-41.

According to recent Real Clear Politics polling data, 11 national polls show that the majority of those surveyed disapprove of Trump. An average of 45.7% approve of Trump while 50.9% disapprove.


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