Among the myriad lawn signs sprouting in anticipation of November’s presidential election, two are noteworthy for their seeming nonpartisanship:
The first sign — “ANY FUNCTIONING ADULT 2020” — makes light of America’s current upheaval, tacitly confessing how little today’s disillusioned voters expect of their elected leaders.
The second, beginning with the words “IN THIS HOUSE,” advertises the occupants’ allegiance to a list of cardinal virtues — kindness, respect for learning, compassion for those with disabilities, etc. — as timeless and anodyne as the Girl Scout Law.
Neither sign mentions any candidate, political party or elective office. But it is telling that both signs are understood — instantly and universally — to signal the resident’s opposition to Donald Trump’s reelection.
Optimists who believe in America’s boundless capacity for reinvention like to think we are always one election away from redemption. But it will be no simple task to recover what has been lost in the four years since 2016, when a confluence of working-class anger, bipartisan resignation, and misplaced confidence in polls that forecast an easy Democratic victory propelled a man who personified the nation’s worst qualities to the highest office in the land.
Donald Trump’s election was a tragedy whose cost Americans have scarcely begun to reckon. Its most conspicuous casualties are the disproportionate number of American lives extinguished by a pandemic that raged unchecked for months while the president shrugged off, mocked and occasionally obstructed the medical community’s urgent efforts to contain it.
Continuing to pay the price of Trump’s negligence are the tens of millions of U.S. workers still languishing in unemployment, even as their counterparts in other developed countries — countries whose leaders recognized the pandemic’s seriousness and acted promptly to curtail its spread — return to work, and secure incomes.
Other damage is more difficult to quantify: It includes the pervasive mistrust triggered by Trump’s relentless campaign to discredit or corrupt nonpartisan institutions like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the FBI, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Postal Service, and the myriad agencies that comprise the nation’s intelligence community; the legal chaos arising from his contempt for the authority reserved for the courts and the U.S. Congress, and the normalization of behavior Americans once found intolerable even in their children and house pets.
The Detroit Free Press Editorial Board urged Michigan voters to reject Trump’s candidacy in 2016, and we have opposed many of his signature initiatives: his obsessive war on immigrants, which began with an overtly racist attack on Mexicans and culminated in images of caged children that shocked the world; his chaotic tariffs, which brought confusion to U.S. auto manufacturers and higher prices to American consumers, and his emasculation of regulations designed to slow or combat climate change.
Trump’s State Department deserves credit for brokering a rapprochement between Israel and some of its Arab neighbors, but his blustering, impulsive conduct of foreign policy has mostly diminished America’s reputation and influence abroad.
But our most serious reservations about Trump’s presidency do not rise to the level of politics or policy. They center, rather, on his aversion to facts and contempt for science, his nonchalant cruelty toward everyone from principled public servants to deceased political rivals, his use of social media to promote white supremacist extremists and amplify flagrantly fraudulent conspiracy theories, and his unapologetic exploitation of his public office to enrich his family and favored friends.
His attacks on the federal judiciary are without precedent in their viciousness, and he will likely exploit U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death to appoint a successor dedicated to eradicating much of Ginsburg’s civil rights legacy, including the rulings that have protected the reproductive rights of American women for the last half-century.
Today, we call on Free Press readers to support the election of a new president who can restore dignity and integrity to an office debased and diminished by its current occupant.
Former Vice President JOE BIDEN, whose name and decades of public service are familiar to generations of American voters, is the man Democrats have nominated to undertake that critical mission, and we are confident that he is a trustworthy choice — the only responsible choice, in fact, for voters who wish to see this country’s 244-year-old experiment in government by, for and of the people continue.
In a typical presidential election, voters choose between two major party candidates distinguished by their contrasting strengths, weaknesses, and visions for the country’s future. Rarely does one party’s standard bearer outshine his or her rival in every category of comparison. But in most election cycles, both candidates meet minimum standards of character, experience and psychological stability that permit voters to focus on the values and policy preferences the nominees’ parties seek to advance.
That is not a luxury any responsible voter enjoys in 2020. Issues and ideas matter, but even a party platform perfectly calibrated to the electoral majority’s druthers cannot redeem a standard-bearer who is fundamentally unfit for presidential office.
Year by year, we have watched the numbers alarmed by the president’s erratic behavior swell to include voters and elected officials from across the ideological spectrum. Conservatives Republicans, libertarians, religious fundamentalists and others who support many of the policies championed by Trump have come to share our concern that Donald Trump represents an existential threat to democracy itself.
What previous commander-in-chief has worked so relentlessly to undermine the institutions and norms that have, up to now, ensured a peaceful transfer of political power? In what previous election cycle have responsible people worried that an incumbent president rejected by voters would surrender his office voluntarily?
It is hard to think of any test of presidential fitness — character, relevant professional experience, psychological stability, or fundamental decency — in which Biden has not demonstrated his superiority to his incumbent opponent. Reasonable people may disagree with Biden’s proposals to expand Medicare eligibility, raise the tax rate on wealthy Americans, or increase support for renewable energy. But no one worries that he will defy the U.S. Congress or the courts to implement them, or exploit his presidential platform to persecute and demonize dissenting subordinates and critics.
But Biden is no mere “functioning adult,” and he offers voters more than a safe alternative to his opponent’s instability. His long career has been marked by hard work, an incrementalist approach to social and economic change, and, occasionally, significant lapses of political judgment. His age and habitual caution explain his appeal to a broad range of Democratic and independent voters; they also explain why many younger Democrats were disappointed when Biden prevailed over more dynamic primary rivals like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Progressive Democrats are not alone in yearning for something more than a return to the hyperpartisan gridlock of Barack Obama’s second term. Although most Americans crave a return to civility, few are nostalgic for a status quo in which racial inequality persists, the middle class continues to shrink and affordable health care remains elusive.
At the same time, it’s unclear that a majority of Michigan’s exhausted and dispirited voters are hankering for the revolution his party’s left wing is eager to promote. A Biden presidency is more likely to prolong the battle between traditional Democrats and the party’s progressive wing than to settle it once and for all, especially if Democrats fail to win control of the U.S. Senate. And as a practical matter, a President Biden will be constrained to spend much of his first term repairing institutions and reestablishing norms laid waste by his predecessor.
It will be hard to make up for the time Trump has squandered in the critical efforts to master the pandemic, mitigate the economic devastation it has left in its wake, and slow the acceleration of global warming. It will be harder still to dispel the mistrust of government institutions Trump has cultivated so assiduously.
Happily, Biden brings many advantages to those tasks. He is liked and trusted by legislators and elected leaders in both parties, and capable civil servants are eager to serve a president who respects their critical role. Professionals on whose expertise the government depends in a crisis will no longer face abrupt dismissal or humiliating slander merely for discharging their duties.
And as dire as the pandemic emergency may become, it offers a new president a new rallying point for Americans demoralized by efforts to divide them from their fellow citizens.
America’s current troubles did not begin with Donald Trump’s rise to power. His sins are far from original, and he is only the latest exponent of the paranoid nationalism that periodically roils our politics.
Yet it is hard to recall a wound he has not reopened and inflamed, or a crisis that has not been compounded by his own negligent conduct.
He didn’t conjure the viral pandemic that has convulsed every corner of the planet. But his stubborn refusal to acknowledge its urgency, and his continuing sabotage of public health measures designed to contain it, have brought a disproportionate share of death and suffering to his constituents.
He did not set the forces of climate change in motion. But his relentless obstruction of domestic and international efforts to mitigate its impact have accelerated a crisis the Pentagon accurately identifies as one of the gravest threats to America’s national security.
He did not install the homicidal autocrats who currently terrorize the populations of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and North Korea. But he has consistently turned a blind eye to their crimes, cheered their persecution of political opponents and vilified American military leaders, diplomats and intelligence officers who sought to hold the despotic strongmen Trump admires accountable for their abuses.
Nor did he invent the racial, economic and partisan divisions that have roiled American politics for most of our nation’s existence. But he has exploited and aggravated them as no president before him, cheering mobs who flouted public health mandates in Michigan and expressing sympathy for extremists who fired on demonstrators in Kenosha, Wisconsin, or drove into crowds in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Jim Mattis, the decorated general who resigned his post as defense secretary to protest Trump’s betrayal of America’s Kurdish allies, calls Trump “the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try.” Michigan’s Republican ex-governor Rick Snyder is more damning: “He has led the divisiveness in the nation.”
With a viral pandemic at our throats, it is difficult to remember that the paranoia and racial tension stirred by Trump’s incendiary provocations may pose an even greater hazard to America’s democratic future.
But Biden describes the critical choice voters confront succinctly: “Will we rid ourselves of this toxin?” he asks. “Or will we make it a permanent part of our character?”
Joe Biden’s election is the right medicine for this infection, the course correction we need to reassure an anxious world that the American dream of liberty and justice for all endures.
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