599 people in New York died overnight from coronavirus

Tribune Content Agency

NEW YORK — Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that New York will remain “on pause” through the end of the month, as another 599 people died overnight from coronavirus in the Empire State.

The limited shutdown — which began March 22 and requires all non-essential workers to stay at home at nearly all times — will remain in effect until April 29 at least, Cuomo said during his daily briefing from Albany.

“I know what it does to the economy, but as I said from day one, I am not going to choose between public health and economic activity,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo reported 599 people died between Sunday and Monday morning, bringing the state’s total death toll to 4,758. New York now has at least 130,689 confirmed cases of COVID-19, Cuomo said.

“New York is still by far the most impacted state,” the governor said.

The city — which is bearing the brunt of New York’s COVID-19 outbreak — reported 67,820 confirmed cases as of Monday at 9:30 a.m.

At least 219 people died from the virus in NYC between Sunday and Monday morning, bringing the city’s total death toll to 2,475, according to Health Department data.


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