Mike Bianchi: 30 years later, Steve Spurrier keeps promise to recognize 1990 Gators as champions

Tribune Content Agency

Thirty years ago, way back in 1990, Steve Spurrier made a vow to his very first Florida Gators football team, and even today he keeps that promise to anybody and everybody who will listen.

That 1990 team, quarterbacked by Shane Matthews, finished 6-1 and atop the 10-team SEC standings, but the Gators were ineligible to play in a bowl game due to a mid-season ruling handed down by the NCAA. According to SEC bylaws at the time, if a team was banned from a bowl game, it was ineligible to compete for a conference championship.

Spurrier and his UF coaches and players were not a part of the NCAA’s decision, which stemmed from former coach Galen Hall allegedly arranging a $360 child support payment for one of his players. To this day, Spurrier counts the 1990 team among the “seven” SEC championships he won as UF’s coach instead of “six” conference titles he’s officially credited with in the SEC record books.

“I was talking to Shane Matthews about that 1990 team just the other day,” says Spurrier, the first coach in UF’s previously unremarkable history to ever win a conference championship. “We talked about how that team paved the way for all the rest of ’em. Somebody had to be the first to do it and go out and win a conference championship, and that team did it. They could have tossed in the towel when they found out they wouldn’t be recognized as the champions. I told them then, ‘I tell you what, if we win it, I’ll recognize you as champions for the rest of my life.’ ”

And, so, he has.

I was a young, upstart reporter 30 years ago on my first major beat covering Spurrier’s first UF team. I caught up with the Head Ball Coach the other day and we reminisced about that 1990 team and discussed a number of other topics during a wide-ranging interview. Here are highlights of our conversation:


Spurrier: “Hey, Bianchi, do you remember one of the first questions you asked me during spring ball before the 1990 season?”

Bianchi: “I don’t even remember what I said yesterday. What did I ask 30 years ago?”

Spurrier: “You asked, ‘How is the depth in your offensive line?’ And I replied, (Spurrier starts laughing), ‘Depth? What position does he play?’ ”

Bianchi: “That was one of your best quotes ever. Didn’t you have another funny quote when somebody asked you if you were worried about not having a very good punter?”

Spurrier: (Laughing again) “Yeah, I think I said something like, ‘We don’t plan on punting much around here anyway.’ … A lot of my coaching philosophy goes back to one of my favorite sayings, ‘When facing a difficult task, act like it’s a piece of cake.’ ”

Bianchi: “You also used to quote Dr. Sydney Harris, who wrote a book called ‘Winners and Losers.’ ”

Spurrier: “That’s right. It was a great little book about the way winners act and talk compared to the way losers act and talk. For instance, one of my favorite quotes from the book is, ‘Winners say, There ought to be a better way. Losers say, That’s the way it’s always been.’

… When I got to Florida in 1990, I remember they started shaving the heads of the incoming freshman and I said, ‘We ain’t doing that crap anymore!’ And I was told, ‘But, Coach, that’s a tradition around here.’ And I said, ‘Getting our asses kicked by Georgia is also a tradition around here. We’re getting ready to change some of these traditions — and this is the first one!’ ”

Bianchi: “In the aftermath of the 1990 Gators finishing atop the SEC standings, you were adamant about calling that team the first SEC champions in school history. Some people didn’t like that, did they?”

Spurrier: “Some of the higher-ups (at the University of Florida) told me, ‘Coach, you have to quit counting that 1990 team as a championship team.’ And I said, ‘No, I don’t! You don’t have to put it on the wall or in trophy case or anywhere, but that was a B.S. penalty we got from the NCAA. We all know who the real SEC champions were that year.’ ”

Bianchi: “Speaking of champions, can Coach Dan Mullen’s Gators win the SEC Championship this year?”

Spurrier: “Well, when I got here 30 years ago, the mission was to beat Georgia and now we’re back to that. We’ve got beat the Bulldogs if we want to get to where we want to go — the SEC Championship Game. I think we’ve got a really good chance to do that this year.”

Bianchi: “Last week was the one-year anniversary of the Alliance of American Football folding up. How fond are your memories of coaching the Orlando Apollos?”

Spurrier: “My son Scotty, who was on my staff with the Apollos and on Bobby Stoops’ (XFL) staff with the Dallas Renegades, called me last week and reminded me it was the anniversary of the Alliance shutting down. Right after the league folded, FanDuel, the betting site in Vegas, declared us the champs. We were 7-1 and two games ahead of everybody. If FanDuel wanted to declare us champions, we certainly weren’t going to turn it down!”

Bianchi: “What is it about spring football leagues? Are they cursed?”

Spurrier: “The Alliance got in eight games before it folded; the XFL only got in five games before the coronavirus shut them down. The USFL lasted three years. I guess in hindsight, that was pretty good, wasn’t it?”

Bianchi: “Speaking of the USFL, you were coaching the Tampa Bay Bandits when that league folded. When you see Donald Trump on TV, do you think of him as the president of the United States or the man who brought down the USFL (when he was the owner of the New Jersey Generals.)”

Spurrier: “I’m not going to get political and get into all that. Donald Trump’s plan was to try to force a merger with the NFL. He bought the New Jersey Generals for $10 or $15 million or whatever it was. If the merger had gone through, his franchise would have been worth $200 or $250 million. It would have been a great business move for him had it worked out.”

Bianchi: “You were the first quarterback of the Tampa Bay Bucs and now they just signed Tom Brady. Are you excited for your former team?”

Spurrier: “I played nine years with the 49ers and one year with the Bucs, and those are the two teams I root for to this day. I try to root for the Jags, too, but they’re hard to root for. As for Tom Brady, I think the Bucs getting him is big! The Bucs have talent and Brady is one of those quarterbacks who will make all of the players around him so much better — just like Danny Wuerffel and Tim Tebow did in college. Teammates watch great quarterbacks and see the work ethic and commitment they have and it rubs off and it becomes contagious.”

Bianchi: “Do you think there will be college football in the fall?”

Spurrier: “We all have to be positive right now, but we have to see where we’re at at the end of April and May and so forth. As Americans, we have to do our part as far as social-distancing and listening to the medical experts. From a coaching standpoint, if the players are in shape, all you really need is about three weeks of practice to get ready for the first game.”

Bianchi: “How worried are you about the coronavirus.”

Spurrier: “I think we all should be worried. We need to all be as safe as we can possibly be and stay away from other people.”

Bianchi: “Where are you and your wife, Jerri, spending your social-distancing time?”

Spurrier: “We’re spending time commuting between Gainesville and Crescent Beach. Bobby Stoops is also over at the beach. He started coming to Crescent when we coached together at Florida and now he has a home there, too. Me and Bobby have played golf several times, but we’re social-distancing while we play. It’s just the two of us and we each have our own cart. We try to be as safe as we can be.”

Bianchi: “You were ahead of curve on keeping your hands clean, weren’t you?”

Spurrier: “I guess you could say that. I started doing the fist bump instead of shaking hands years ago. It just made sense to me. You never know where somebody else’s hands have been. Usually, the back of the hand is pretty clean. That’s why I like the fist bump.”

Bianchi: (Long-distance fist bump, followed by an application of hand sanitizer) “Thank you, Coach, and be safe.”

Spurrier: “You, too, my man.”


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