Trump offered Barrett nomination 3 days after Ginsburg’s death

Tribune Content Agency

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump offered Judge Amy Coney Barrett the nomination to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Sept. 21, three days after Ginsburg’s death, according to a questionnaire prepared for Senate confirmation hearings.

Trump said publicly he was still selecting his nominee from a pool of “five women” up until the announcement at the White House last Saturday.

“I have five women that I’m very much looking at,” Trump said in a Sept. 24 in a Fox News Radio interview.

But Barrett, in the questionnaire submitted by the White House to the Senate Judiciary Committee on her behalf, said she had a telephone call about the Supreme Court vacancy with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and counsel Pat Cipollone on Saturday, Sept. 19.

The next day, they invited her to Washington to meet with the president, who also called.

The day after that, Monday Sept. 21, “the president offered me the nomination on that day, and I accepted, subject to finalizing the vetting process,” Barrett says in the questionnaire.

In one part of the report, she states that her net worth is about $2.6 million.


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