The groundbreaking FX show “Pose,” which depicts the horrors of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in New York City in the 1980s, is donating its hospital props to healthcare workers battling the coronavirus pandemic.
Ryan Murphy, one of the show’s creators, announced his decision to help the fight against COVID-19 by giving away the medical supplies used by the series’ characters to real-life hospitals. And he even included a minor spoiler in the process.
“On my FX series POSE, one of our regular sets and locations is a hospital where in season 3 (spoiler) Blanca works as an AIDS/HIV counselor,” Murphy wrote on Instagram this week.
“Today we donated all our prop supplies to Mount Sinai hospital to help nurses and doctors battling the Covid outbreak. Let’s all keep giving when and where and how we can. More to come…”
Next to the message, Murphy shared a photo of boxes of medical-grade elastic bandages.
The announcement follows decisions by other TV shows to do the same.
ABC shows “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Station 19? and “The Good Doctor” are all donating protective equipment to medical workers and hospitals in need.
Fox’s “The Resident” has donated items to Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital, the city where the series is filmed.
The crew of NBC’s “New Amsterdam” went through “every storage area, every nook and cranny of every set and put together half a truck load of PPE, masks, gloves, gowns and face masks,” the show’s creator, executive producer and showrunner David Schulner told Deadline last week. “While we work closely with Bellevue and Kings County Hospital we are working with NYC relief efforts to find the most needy.”
In the U.K., the BBC-produced “Casualty” and “Holby City” are donating protective equipment and medical items from their fictitious hospitals to the National Health Service, according to CNN.
Much of the storylines in “Pose” revolve around the devastating effects of the AIDS crisis, and many scenes take place in medical facilities.
Last year, Murphy told Variety that the show would end with the year 1995, saying “it’s going to end before AIDS drugs became available. So it really is about the rise and decimation of a world.”
The third season of the award-winning show about the ball community in Harlem and The Bronx is scheduled to premiere in June.
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