NY’s Rep. Nydia Velazquez diagnosed with ‘presumed coronavirus’

Tribune Content Agency

U.S. Rep. Nydia Velazquez said Monday she likely has coronavirus, apparently making her the first member of New York’s congressional delegation to contract the respiratory infection.

In a statement released by her office, Velazquez said she started feeling “under the weather” Sunday morning, including “muscle aches, fevers, nasal congestion and stomach upset.” The Democratic lawmaker said she also lost her smell and taste — common symptoms of COVID-19.

After explaining her symptoms to a doctor over the phone Monday morning, Velazquez said she was diagnosed with “presumed coronavirus.”

“My symptoms are mild at the present time and I am taking Tylenol for fever, and isolating myself at my home,” Velazquez said.

Velazquez, of Brooklyn, said her doctor advised against getting tested, considering her symptoms are mild and COVID-19 tests are in short supply.

“I am carefully monitoring my symptoms, working remotely and in constant contact with my staff,” she said. “I’ll continue my work on behalf of New Yorkers as together we overcome this virus.”

A Velazquez spokesman said no one in her office has shown symptoms and that most staffers have worked from home “for some time.”

While still in Washington, Velazquez felt “perfectly healthy” and adhered to federal social distancing guidelines, the spokesman added.

Velazquez is likely the first lawmaker in New York’s 29-member congressional delegation to have the virus.

Fellow Brooklyn Rep. Yvette Clarke had a staffer in her district office test positive for the virus earlier this month.


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