Editorial: Good riddance: A happy farewell (we hope) to the Trump daily coronavirus briefings

Tribune Content Agency

When his dangerous suggestion that it might be wise to explore putting disinfectant and UV light inside the human body was rightly met with horror and mockery, it was the final straw for a fragile ego.

If the “fake news” won’t simply applaud his pronouncements and transcribe what he says, there will be no more daily briefings, suggests the petulant president. All these pesky questions reporters ask make it “not worth the time & effort.”

You can say that again: If Donald Trump stays off the air like he thankfully did this weekend, the rest of us can focus on the hard work of defeating the virus and bringing the economy back, rather than having to listen to a man repeatedly insist he’s God’s gift to the scary moment we are in.

It was from the podium that he proclaimed presidential “authority is total” in a public health emergency; repeatedly boasted that the U.S. testing effort (lagging by any objective measure) has been a thing to behold; constantly hyped malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a potential cure, despite being cautioned on its risks; and played a double game of claiming credit for state shutdowns he didn’t really want, while egging on “liberation” when it served him politically.

We’ve got nothing against Drs. Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx and the rotating cast of others; they’re generally informative. Vice President Mike Pence, task force chief, has also been a fairly steady voice.

But if Trump really unplugs himself, it’ll be one of the smartest things he’s done since January 2017.


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