Monica Lewinsky says she’s more scared of the government now than during Clinton scandal

Tribune Content Agency

She survived one of the worst public shamings of all time — now she’s more scared than ever.

“Just realized I am more scared of our government now than I was in 1998. And that’s saying a lot. A. LOT,” Monica Lewinsky said in a Monday Twitter post that quickly went viral.

Lewinsky, 47, has a whole White House scandal — not to mention “over 125 rap songs” — with her name attached.

Her entire life imploded, making her the butt of countless late night talk show jokes, when her sexual relationship with President Bill Clinton went public in the late 1990s and was graphically described in the Starr Report.

She was 22 when the affair started, while Clinton was her 49-year-old boss.

Lewinsky has since become a social activist speaking out against cyberbullying.

In Twitter posts leading up to her Monday message, she made it clear she’s intensely worried about the upcoming election — including what will happen with the Supreme Court vacancy left by the Friday death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“I would love to know what the other justices — some of whom knew Justice Ginsburg for decades — think should be done with her dying wish? And what would they want if the president in office were of a different political party?” Lewinsky tweeted Sunday.

“OK, smart legal twitter … can #MerrickGarland sue for ‘hiring discrimination’ if/when they try to fill the seat?” she tweeted Saturday.

Ginsburg, the court’s second female justice after Sandra Day O’Connor, passed away at her Washington home at age 87 on Friday due to complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Within hours of her death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed to call for a vote to replace the liberal jurist with someone appointed by President Donald Trump, even though four years ago he blocked President Barack Obama’s nomination of Garland.

McConnell said four years ago that he didn’t believe it was right to vote on a nomination during an election year, setting a new precedent he now is arguing doesn’t apply.

Ginsburg’s dying wish, dictated to her granddaughter Clara Spera and first reported by NPR, underscored the battle she knew was coming.

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” she said.


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