‘Really brilliant’: Trump praises Ky. prosecutor after no charges in Breonna Taylor’s death

Tribune Content Agency

President Donald Trump offered no kind words to Breonna Taylor’s family Wednesday after Kentucky prosecutors announced they won’t file any charges in the Black woman’s death at the hands of police.

The president offered effusive praise for the chief prosecutor, though.

“I thought it was really brilliant,” Trump said at the White House after he was asked about Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s announcement that the only charges that will be brought in the Taylor case relate to the “endangerment” of her white neighbors.

“He’s doing a fantastic job,” Trump added of Cameron. “I think he’s a star.”

Louisville officers fatally shot Taylor in March after storming into her apartment as part of a misdirected drug raid connected to a suspect who didn’t live there.

When the cops barged in, Taylor’s boyfriend opened fire with his handgun, fearing it was a robber, triggering an exchange of bullets that killed the 26-year-old Black woman. No drugs were found inside the apartment.

Despite Taylor’s tragic death, Cameron said a grand jury had only indicted one former officer involved in the shooting, Brett Hankison, with felony wanton endangerment because some of the bullets he let loose flew by Taylor and entered her neighbor’s apartment.

In explaining the lack of more charges, Cameron said “justice is not easy,” and Trump told reporters he was very impressed by that wording.

“I heard that, I said, ‘Write that down for me please,’ because I think it was a terrific statement,” Trump said. “He’s handling it very well.”

With Louisville bracing for a night of protest, Trump said he’d spoken with Kentucky’s Democratic governor.

“I understand he’s called up the National Guard, which is a good thing. I think that’s a very positive thing,” Trump said. “It will all work out.”


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