Titans, Vikings suspend activities as NFL faces potential coronavirus crisis

Tribune Content Agency

The NFL is confronting its first potential COVID-19 crisis.

The Tennessee Titans suspended all in-person club activities Tuesday after three players and five team personnel tested positive for the coronavirus, the league said.

The Minnesota Vikings, who played host to the Titans on Sunday, likewise suspended in-person activities, although they have not reported any new positive tests.

“Both clubs are working closely with the NFL and the NFLPA, including our infectious disease experts, to evaluate close contacts, perform additional testing and monitor developments,” the league and its players’ association said in a joint statement. “All decisions will be made with health and safety as our primary consideration.”

The Titans are scheduled to play host to Pittsburgh on Sunday, and the Vikings are at Houston.

Last week, the NFL and players’ union delivered the latest testing report for the period Sept. 13-19. Of the 36,644 tests administered, zero players and five personnel had tested positive. In the interim, Atlanta Falcons cornerback A.J. Terrell tested positive. He was inactive Sunday.


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